Marching Health

Posture Really Is That Important

As a musician, your posture is the foundation for creating a masterful sound. Whether it is your mother telling you to “sit up at the dinner table” or your band director telling you to have “taller posture” during rehearsal, most of us have repeatedly been told to have better posture. However, rarely is it explained … Read more

3 Lessons Learned from My High School Music Educators

“How does a kid that is so quiet get in so much trouble?” A man I did not know posed this question to me as he was observing three of Easley High School’s drummers and myself practicing on a band room table. I was in the eighth grade, and I had been drumming with the … Read more

Why Your Band Should NOT Do Push-ups

If you’ve been on a marching band field, you’ve probably heard of using push-ups as “negative reinforcement” for making a mistake during rehearsal. No, I am not about to go into detail about negative and positive reinforcement usage with adolescents and youth; that would be the job of another healthcare professional. Instead, I am going … Read more

The Two Muscles Every Marching Percussionist Needs To Develop

Band camps are right around the corner. If you have worn a drum before, you know those first couple of days are going to be difficult on your body. It seems like there is nothing you can do to adequately simulate how wearing a drum feels on your back. During my drumline days I would … Read more