Marching Health

Band Director Health

Your health as a band director is our priority. We have seen too many band directors sacrifice their own personal health and well-being in an attempt to take care of their students better. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster.

As our sport psychology team says, you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others put theirs on. In order to help band directors and music educators learn to put their own health first, we have teamed up with band director Kris Bence to run the “Band Directors for Better Health” Facebook group. This is a community of over 3,500 band directors across the globe who encourage one another along our own health journeys.

Each summer we lead band directors through our “Podium to 5k Workout”, a beginner-level walk/run workout program that culminates with a group virtual 5k before directors go back to school. You can download this program anytime by clicking the image below, and be sure to join our Facebook group!